BBM to relaunch on Android and iOS “within days”, says BlackBerry exec

Updated on 16-Oct-2013

Frank Boulben, the company's chief marketing officer, is confident that the problems that happened during the first attempt have been sorted out.

Android and iOS users rejoice, again, because it seems that the cross-platform BlackBerry Messenger is set to relaunch on the two smartphone platforms, soon. At least according to BlackBerry. Frank Boulben, the company’s chief marketing officer, told Reuters in an interview that the BBM client could be arriving on Android and iOS “within days”. Boulben is confident that the company has ironed out the issues that cropped up during the first attempt at the cross platform BBM client release.
(Read Review: BBM for iPhone)

BlackBerry had suspended the cross-platform BBM launch last month, after an unofficial older version of BBM client was downloaded by a huge number of Android users, which caused issues with the network. While the app was available in the Apple App Store, the issues with the servers meant that even that app was removed from the store, while iOS users who had already downloaded BBM on their iPhone could continue using it.
(Read More: BlackBerry clarifies)

This information comes just as the open letter to customers is making its way out across the various media channels globally, highlighting BlackBerry’s strengths. The company hopes this attempt at retaining the customer base and also to counter the constant bad press, will work in their favour.

BBM for Android and iOS has been gathering a lot of attention. The company says that over 6 million potential users have already signed up for the notification once the cross platform BBM goes Live. And it was this excitement during the initial launch that caused millions of Android users to download the incorrect BBM version which led to the issues with the network.


This the the BBM for iPhone, which some of us lucky users had downloaded, before the entire Android-led episode unfolded. 

BlackBerry Messenger for the two platforms is expected to start off with text based messaging and group chats, with voice and video chats as well as screenshare being added in future updates. At least that was the case with the version that was launched during the unsuccessful attempt. Looks like we won’t have to wait too long now.

Source: Reuters

Vishal Mathur

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