User Posts: Asfaq Tapia

With a spate of companies employing Biometric tools to safeguard their businesses, we asked a few if it really made a difference.“We noticed that ...


Presenting: the most useful mobile software we can think of!If you travel a lot, your mobile and laptop are quite likely your most important possessions. In ...


Here are some things you thought you couldn’t do in XPWe won’t waste much time with this introduction, so here it is—another round of tips ...


An offshoot of the Biotechnology industry, Bioinformatics is gathering pace like never before. It is still a niche industry, thoughAs the field of ...


Digit went to Khairat village near Mumbai, the pilot site of the OLPC project in IndiaYou’ve heard almost too much about it in the news—now ...


Advertising your business used to be a costly affair; now, however, if you have a small business and want to advertise it without spending too much, there is a ...


You've heard about "Gnome" and "KDE" and more - these Linux-related things are "Desktops Enviornments." If you're making the switch, which one is for you ...


I pity the burglar who can't read this... 1. We have had Caesar, our German Shepherd, for the past one year. It might sound insensitive to calculate what it ...

0 If you are clued into the Web 2.0 phenomenon, you've noticed the sudden explosion of online applications that can be accessed anywhere and ...


Videos games have always had over-the-top weapons, Is there anything similar in the real world?If you're reading this magazine, you've probably played video ...

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